Google Catapults Into Crypto

Google is partnering with a crypto firm that made us 1,033% gains during the last crypto bull market.

Few outside of the crypto industry know it’s coming... but we can show you the 3 simple steps to get there first and make a fortune.


Hello everyone, John Carl here.

For the past several years I’ve been a crypto investor — and the reason I’m hosting this video presentation today is because I’ve made six-figure returns on small, under-the-radar crypto projects.

This includes one crypto project in particular...

It was a standout during the last crypto cycle, and led me to 1,033% gains in just 9 months.

But this crypto project hasn’t closed its doors.

In fact, it’s about to undergo a complete relaunch with one of the biggest names in the tech space.

I’ll tell you more about this project over the next few minutes.

And I’ll explain why investing in it was simple, straightforward, and far less complicated than you might expect.

It’s simple enough that anyone can make returns like these... even if you’ve never traded crypto before.

So if you’ve ever wondered about how to dip your toe into crypto, or worried that you’ll miss out on all of the gains because it sounds too risky or complicated, I’m here to reassure you that it’s something any smart investor can safely do — and that includes you.

And best of all, we don’t have to do it all by ourselves.

I’d like to introduce you to the crypto expert who showed me the way — he’s the one who walked me step-by-step through making these six-figure returns.

His name is Chris Curl, and the reason he’s here today is because he’d like to make a big announcement for new crypto investors.


Thank you John, I’m excited to be here today, because now is an important moment in crypto history.

Gone are the days when crypto was some obscure or hard-to-make investment.

Crypto has gone mainstream...

You’ve likely already seen how all of the biggest names in finance have crypto ETFs.

I’m talking about Fidelity, BlackRock, Schwab, and a dozen other well-known financial firms.

Together they’ve had $21 billion in capital inflows, which makes them the most successful ETFs ever launched.

Thanks to this momentum, we’re now seeing unprecedented interest from major tech companies in crypto.

And it’s having an immediate impact on the key crypto projects I’ve been following.

As you know, John, it’s moments like these where the big returns are made, and that’s where we’ve seen our success over the past few years.


Without a doubt, it makes all the difference.

Let’s jump straight to the punchline.

At the beginning of the last crypto cycle, in February of 2021, I bought into a small crypto project that Chris recommended to me.

Chris liked this project because of its utility — it’s a platform that gave crypto users the ability to move digital assets from one blockchain to another.

As Chris had predicted, this platform became an important part of the crypto exchanges, and it rapidly increased in value.

It skyrocketed over 1,000% in just 9 months.

Thanks to Chris’ crypto insights, I was able to turn a $4,000 investment into $41,320.

This is an actual closed return and the money is in my bank account.

I knew it was time to sell my tokens because of the updates I received from Chris, who told me that it had met all of his investment objectives (and then some!).

Just imagine what it’s like to 10x your money in less than a year.

Thanks to the guidance from Chris, I was confident about when to buy and when to sell.

I never had to wonder about what to do.

And get this...

It wasn’t a one-off.

Chris also showed me a host of other enormous returns from the crypto sector.


  • 1,627% on Raydium
  • 2,152% on Solana
  • 3,576% on Bonk

All told, my gains totalled well into six figures.

These gains aren’t theoretical — while I still hold a number of open positions to this day, I have closed returns and taken money off the table at these sky-high levels.

And it’s all thanks to Chris and his insights, which have been, quite honestly, invaluable.

Because not only did I make amazing crypto gains that totalled into six figures, but it was also simple, straightforward, and stress-free.

I slept like a baby the whole time.

Chris’ careful research removed the need for worry and made it easy to know exactly what to do next.

Without Chris, I would have never even known these lucrative investments existed.

So I hope you’re paying attention, because this next part is crucial...

Thanks to Chris and his latest research, we’re about to do it again.

There’s a reason we chose this one crypto project as an example.

This exact same crypto firm, the one that made me 1,033%, is about to roll out a massive upgrade and undergo a complete rebrand.

But they’re not doing it alone.

Thanks to their early success, they’ve attracted the notice of Silicon Valley, and one major tech company in particular that wants to partner with them and provide all of the hardware and software for their relaunch.

This hardware and software will be built to spec, and will offer capabilities never seen before in the crypto world... or anywhere else, for that matter.

That’s because the name of this major partner is a company you’ve likely heard of...

That company is Google.


Yes John, that’s right.

It’s the breaking-news announcement that’s brought us here today.

Google is partnering with a tiny crypto firm that made us 1,033% gains during the last crypto bull market — and they’re building a new, upgraded platform that’ll likely do even better.

Few outside of the crypto industry know it’s coming... but today I can show you the three simple steps to get there first and make a fortune.

It’s simple, straightforward, and anyone can do it.


And I should add, it’s also much safer than many crypto firms you may have heard about.

Chris has successfully guided his readers around crypto’s pitfalls.

Chris hasn’t lost a single dollar to any of the infamous crypto disasters — on the contrary, he’s kept his readers focused on the projects that matter.

And that includes this small crypto firm, which has been a consistent standout for six years now.

This Small Crypto Firm
Has Been A Standout for 6 Years


Six years may not sound like a lot, but that’s an eon in crypto terms.

They’ve seen the highs and the lows.

And they’ve consistently stood out from the crowd.

That’s why I first invested in them during the last bull market.

It’s what led to the gains.

And it’s what’s going to lead to even bigger gains now that Google is involved.

While they have the energy and innovative spirit of a startup, this is not some johnny-come-lately venture.

They grew from a market cap of just a few million to where it sits now, at $1.9 billion.

These are veterans from a tough industry.

They used to be bootstrappers — now they’re millionaires.

Mark my words: this firm could easily be worth a hundred times this just a few years from now.

It’s why Google is willing to stake their name and reputation on a partnership with this firm.

And then here’s the best part of all...

You’ll have insider-level access to this opportunity.

It’s thanks to the hard-won connections within the industry that I’ve been able to make over the years.

Recently I was invited to fly to Austin, Texas, and meet the founders of this crypto firm.

As you can see here, John and I were introduced to the entire team, and we had the chance to take this photo with the co-founder and CEO.

John Carl and Chris Curl with the CEO and co-founder of this small crypto firm, who is now in a lucrative partnership with Google thanks to his unique vision and innovation.

I was also able to meet the Google executives who are handling the details of this partnership.

So far it’s been one of the highlights of my career.

In the early days of crypto, it was rare to know the real identity of any crypto founders, much less meet them in person.

But as I’ve said, this is a historic moment in crypto investing.

Crypto has gone mainstream, and these real-world connections are getting made — accompanied by real-world due diligence.


Yes, that’s right.

And Chris is being modest.

We were sitting in the front row when Google announced the details of their plans — and we were able to ask them our questions first-hand.

The reason we’re bringing this story to you today is because we were there — and because of the industry connections that Chris has been fostering for years.

It was no accident.

And with that said, let’s get right into all of the important details on what we learned.

Chris is going to walk us through why Google has decided to throw their weight into the crypto arena — and why this crypto project was carefully chosen.

Google’s Handpicked Crypto Partner


This crypto project is all about transaction speed, reliability, and security.

I’ve had critics of crypto tell me before that crypto doesn’t offer any underlying real-world value.

Well, this crypto project proves that nothing could be further from the truth.

The value of this crypto project comes directly from what it can do...

And the answer is it’s a transaction network that can outperform credit cards.

That’s a $1.4 trillion business...

And Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are able to charge their exorbitant 3% transaction fees because they’ve spent decades building a monopoly.

Google wants to change all of that.

Google wants to use their partnership with this crypto platform to disrupt the conventional credit cards.


Yes, and it’s worth pointing out — that this is how Google has built and grown its entire company.

They begin with disruption and then turn it into domination.

We’ve seen them do it time and time again, for more than two decades.

As you know...

  • They disrupted and then dominated search engines.
  • They disrupted and then dominated web browsers.
  • They disrupted and then dominated business software like Microsoft Word and Microsoft outlook.
  • They disrupted and then dominated video chat, maps, calendars, address listings, even the phone book... the list goes on.

And that’s exactly what Google is trying to do here with transactions.

They want to disrupt and then dominate transaction processing — which includes all of the major credit card networks.

Google’s Testing Ground for Transactions


Here’s how it’ll work.

Google is giving this crypto platform upgraded hardware.

Google is giving this crypto platform upgraded cloud networking software.

And once this partnership is complete, this crypto platform will be able to achieve the fastest transaction times in all of crypto.

They’ve already proven they can do it in early tests.

Let me explain how, I’ll try and put it in simple terms so you can see what I mean.

Transactions essentially have two parts: the first is the authorization, the second is what’s known as “finality.”

The authorization is when the transaction is first recorded with all of the price and transfer information.

Finality is when the money is actually transferred and confirmed.

So far, so good?

So this new crypto platform has now proven in their tests that their transaction network can complete finality in 720 milliseconds.

For comparison, Solana, which is the next-fastest network, takes 12.8 seconds to achieve finality across its blockchain network.

So this is a major upgrade by an order of magnitude.

And it’s going to disrupt everything...

Especially credit cards.

Now, it’s true credit cards work a little differently, since they rely on a single central network that’s structured in a completely different way.

But there’s still one important point I’d like to make...

Credit cards can authorize a transaction at a similar speed to this crypto platform, which at first make it seem like they’re operating at a similar speed.

But they’re not.

Finality is stuck in the Victorian era.

Visa, MasterCard, and American Express can authorize up to 65,000 transactions per second.

But achieving finality is a long, tedious, and expensive process of smoke and mirrors.

It takes 1-3 days to complete, costs them billions of dollars, and despite all of the checks and balances, it still fails to stop most kinds of fraud, including exploits of its own network.

The credit card companies’ only solution is the write off — they’ll write off billions in wonky transactions behind the scenes, and then billions more when consumers like you call to complain about more obvious fraud, like overcharges from restaurants or accidental double charges.

And they’ll slowly, day after day, year after year, charge everyone involved an arm and a leg for the privilege of using this faulty system.

The three big credit card companies have a monopoly, and so even though their transaction finality is leaking billions of dollars across the board, they’re still making money by charging 3% for every transaction they process.

And as I’m sure as you know all too well, America’s businesses, large and small, are footing the bill for this giant, leaky machine.

You’ve likely already been to gas stations that give you a discount if you don’t use your credit card and pay cash.

Or been at a convenience store where there’s a minimum charge for your credit card, because the fee is so high.

This is why Google stands to disrupt — and dominate — everything if they get this right.

This crypto platform’s transaction network is step #1 of flipping the script on all of this chicanery.

By achieving such speedy finality, they’re putting themselves at the very top of what crypto makes possible.

And Google Cloud is firing a shot across the bow to the credit card industry to remind them that, if and when they want to, they can outperform this outdated monopoly.

This crypto platform has already made us 10x gains by proving they could make low-cost transactions across blockchains.

I fully believe they’ll make 10x more, and then some, by showing traditional finance what’s truly possible.

Remember, the credit card market is worth $1.4 trillion.

So even a tiny fraction of that market is worth a fortune.

But I think Google is thinking big on this one.

So if your friend tells you that crypto is “fake money” or “made up value,” you can show them how this crypto platform, thanks to the latest innovations of Google Cloud, is able to outperform the credit card.

Because let’s be real, that’s all that matters today.

Is your friend hauling around gold coins...

Or testing the quality of their silver when they check out at the grocery store?

No, absolutely not, I didn’t think so.

The only “real” money is the kind that can complete a transaction quickly, safely, and at low cost.

That’s what this crypto platform and Google are delivering to the world.


Well spoken, Chris.

And I know that’s a lot of details — but it’s worth getting these facts right.

And ultimately here’s the main thing to remember: when it comes to big, disruptive, world-changing technologies like this, it’s always the early investors who are rewarded first.

Early Investors Are Rewarded First

The reason I was able to make my gains on this crypto firm the last time around, as well as the other gains I detailed for you...

Is because Chris led me to these projects early, ahead of the curve.

Later, once the word was out to everyone else, that’s when the rest of the world came rushing and made us 1,033% gains.

And now we’re about to do it again.

Chris makes it easy and straightforward to make these investments.

It’s all part of his premium publication Crypto Cycle.

If you become a subscriber today, he’ll send you all the details you need to make money on this and other crypto investments.

Chris Makes Crypto Gains as Easy as 1-2-3


Yes, let me outline it for you.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3.


Follow the easy-to-read instructions in my new special report, which I’ll email to you the moment you become a subscriber.

This detailed report will show you everything you need to know about Google’s catapult into crypto, and it’ll walk you through the process of making the investment.

As you heard earlier, it’s easy, straightforward, and any smart investor can safely make this investment in a matter of minutes.

And that includes you.

Even if you’ve never made a crypto investment before, I’ve broken the process down into simple instructions.

But that’s not all.

Big Tech has been busy stashing billions in crypto.

This report will also give you a complete overview of what they’re up to, and how to position yourself as an investor.


Check out my $50,000 real-money portfolio — which has already doubled since I wrote a check.

You can follow me move-by-move as I turn this $50,000 into a million dollars.

I’m not some armchair analyst.

I’ve got skin in the game...

And real money on the line.

I’m very serious about successfully turning this $50,000 into a million-dollar fortune.

And this is your chance to follow along.

As a subscriber to Crypto Cycle, you won’t miss a moment.

And then STEP THREE...

Follow my Crypto Cycle issues for updates on exactly when to sell.

I’ll be with you every step of the way.

I also host quarterly call-ins where you can ask me all of your questions, hear my market outlook, and hear what other like-minded investors are tracking now.


Chris has put together a wealth of resources to help you successfully get started in crypto.

We can’t say it enough – Whatever your experience level is with crypto, this publication is for you.

Even if you’re a first-time beginner, and you’ve never bought a single crypto before, Chris has you covered.


Here’s what you’ll receive when you become a subscriber…

  • My Crypto Cycle Issues
    Every month you’ll receive my easy-to-read research that’s loaded with insights from across the crypto space.
  • Trade Alerts
    Then, whenever I make a trade — a buy or a sell — you’ll get a Trade Alert. We also have a section on the Crypto Cycle website that keeps track of all these alerts in one place. I usually issue 1-2 trades a month. Sometimes more, depending on where the opportunities are.
  • Quarterly Video Call-Ins
    And then every single quarter I host a video call-in. During this exclusive event, I’ll bring you up to speed on what I see ahead for the next quarter. And then, most important of all: I answer your questions. You can email them to me ahead of time. Or you can ask them in real-time, right during the event using the event chat box. You’ll hear questions from other like-minded readers as well. It’s a fun and rewarding time. And I should add: I’ve shared recommendations during these call-ins that have led to instant 300% gains.
  • Crypto-U
    And then there’s also my educational series called “Cypto-U.” This is a collection of reports, videos, and walkthroughs that gives you all the must-know on crypto. It includes the basics, like how to set up a crypto wallet and find the best crypto exchanges.

You’ll get all of this and more the moment you become a subscriber.


Those are some outstanding features.

And you’ll receive it all at a fair price that's a lot lower than you might expect.

The moment you click the button below, you’ll be taken to a short order form that has all of the pricing details.

And this includes our publisher’s 100% satisfaction guarantee.

You get a full 60 days to give everything a try.

That’s plenty of time to see Chris’ $50k real-money portfolio, watch his videos, and read the latest issue of Crypto Cycle.

We think you’ll love what you see — but if you find it’s not for you, no hard feelings.

You can get every single penny back.

All you have to do is give us a quick call and we’ll give you a full refund.

Simple as that.


That’s right.

The returns from crypto investments have completely changed my life.

And I think they can do the same for you.

But if that’s not the case — I think you’d still be happy you gave it a try.

You’ve got nothing to lose in finding out more... and everything to gain.


I can personally vouch that it's true.

As you’ve heard today, I made 1,033% on this crypto project during the last bull market.

Now that Google is involved, we’re likely to see returns like this again — or even higher.

Everything you need to know is in your special report and is included as part of your subscription to Crypto Cycle.

All you have to do is click the button below to get started, and we look forward to seeing you on the inside.


Chris Curl
Editor, Crypto Cycle